Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Recruiting Updates from January 20th

Tasks to complete:

  1. Register for the NCAA Clearinghouse...send Jeanette the number
  2. Send Carol and Jeanette your list of college choices...Google doc if possible.

We discussed how to set goals before the President's Day Tournament

  • How many schools do you want to contact before then?
  • How many will be emails and phone calls do you need to make each week?
Emails should include an intro, information about you and your season, a video link, and a tournament schedule. Please use the www.volleyballrecruits.com website as it can include all of this information and you can see whether the coaches are viewing your information.

How do you conduct research about a school? How do you narrow down your search?
  • Look for programs you are interested in...academics first!
  • Location and size of school...is it what you want?
  • What is the volleyball program like and can you play there? 
  • Ask your recruiting coordinators or your coaches for honest feedback, but remember it is the college coach who will make that decision. Don't decide that you cannot play at a school before you ask. 
As always, remember that college coaches are watching your form and footwork, how well you interact with teammates and coaches, and what you are like off the court. Be positive and a great teammate at all times. 

Lastly, as side note, Freshman do your research and begin to identify schools that you may be interested in. Talk to your parents about what you might like to do in the future. Look at their camp schedules for summer and possibly send emails out at the end of your Freshman year. Right now be a Freshman and enjoy high school, getting better at the sport you love, and the friendships you will form. DO NOT WORRY ABOUT GOING TO COLLEGE YET!

Sophomores, do all of the above but send emails and start getting used to the process. Make some phone calls so you get comfortable. Call Ann Ernst if you need to make a mock call :)

Juniors, get to work! Phone calls, phone calls, phone calls. Start asking the closing questions:
Can you see me contributing to your program?
What are the next steps to becoming a (insert mascot)?
What else do you need from me to make a decision?
Visit campuses in April, set those up now.

Recruiting Meetings for the athletes are every Tuesday at 7pm until you all are recruited :) Parents are welcome as well. We will have these meetings for the next couple of weeks.

Jeanette Simenson
Carol Kacor

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